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Our medical equipment


Team Duo Cardiotocography System

This model supports the function of monitoring twin pregnancy. It is the most commonly used cardiotocography system in Poland and one of the best on the market. Its reliable design ensures durability, combining the intuitive simplicity of operation with complexity of technical solutions. The machine ensures continuous, comfortable and safe monitoring of the cardiac activity and body movements of twins and of uterine contractile activity. A high-quality thermal printer ensures an automatic analysis of obtained cardiotocogram.

Team Duo

Sonicaid Team Duo Cardiotocography System at PREGMED


Main components and characteristic features of the Sonicaid Team Duo Cardiotocography System:

  • two (2) Cardio waterproof, ultrasound probes:  1.5 MHz and 2.0 MHz; the different frequency ranges of the probes eliminate the risk of sonic wave overlapping, ensuring a real-time, simultaneous receipt of two different signals
  • FHR monitoring range: 30-240 bpm
  • Toco – an external, waterproof probe
  • manual and automatic reset of Toco probe
  • an option of safe probe fixing on the clamps of the unit
  • foetal movement marker for pregnant patient
  • automatic foetal movement detection with an option to print a foetal movement activity diagram
  • marker of clinical events with a possibility to select incorporated options
  • alarms of foetal pulse (high and low) losses; user’s definable alarm generation borderlines
  • time counter in non stress test (NST)
  • 3-stage indicator of received signal quality
  • a possibility to enter date, time and patient’s and user’s data to the memory; all these data are printed at the beginning of every record
  • high-contrast clear image LCD display, allowing to view the monitored parameters and their graphic diagrams, as well as read out unit-generated messages 
  • thermal printer for interpretation of recorded CTG data; the results of analysis are printed after examination; the analysis is based on the Dawes/Redman criteria
  • a possibility of printer’s use with the following speed: 1, 2, 3 or 10 cm/min
  • scale and curve simultaneously printed on unscaled paper – it prevents curve shifts vs. scale
  • in case when twins are monitored, the curves may be printed on two separate scales, ensuring high clearness
  • 75-hour printer operation without paper supplementation,
  • “no paper” alarms
  • 6-hour memory to store records for their later printing
  • a possibility to support digital central monitoring systems and computer software
  • telemetry support
  • an authorised service in Poland

The cardiotocograph is delivered with full accessories: a camera with printer, Cardio and Toco heads, foetus movement marker for pregnant mother, flexible belts, clamps which fix the heads on belts, high quality gel, thermosensitive paper, user’s manual.

Ultrasound VOLUSON E6

VOLUSON E6 of GE is a stationary ultrasound system, based on KRETZ technology and designed for applications in all branches: radiology, gynaecology, obstetrics, urology, cardiology and vascular examinations. The exceptional 3D/4D imaging technology of KRETZ, combined with high quality, light 3D scanning probes, guarantees high quality, spatial, diagnostic images, which are FDA approved. The  maximal scanning speed in 4D mode is 40 spatial scans/s, what provides full motion picture in display.

ultrasonograf VOLUSON E6

VOLUSON E6 GE Ultrasound System


Modes of operations: Virtual Convex, ß -View, harmonic imaging, colour Doppler, power Doppler pulsating Doppler, tissue colour Doppler, spatial compound imaging, tomographic imaging, volumetric measurements, 3D imaging of foetal heart and panoramic imaging. The ultrasound supports state-of-the-art, multi-frequency electronic transducers: convex, 3D/4D convex volumetric, linear, endocavitary, 3/4D endocavitary volumetric, transfontanellar volumetric.

The unit has got an incorporated database of patients with an option to record images and image loops. There is a DVD-R/RW recorder for image archiving and export (available formats: DICOM, JPEG, TIFF, AVI). A touch screen (LCD) control of the ultrasound functions guarantees high quality examinations to be done in very short time.

Cryosurgery - the KS-2 device

The KS-2 device for cryosurgery procedures

VIDAS PC Analyser

The VIDAS PC Analyser is used for immunodiagnostic tests by the enzyme linked immunofluorescent assay (ELFA).

Laboratorium PREGMED stanowisko pracyAnalizator VIDAS do badań immunoenzymatycznych



The VIDAS PC analyser includes a test reader, a peripheral computer with Windows software, a monitor, a keyboard, a mouse, a peripheral printer and a barcode reader.
Five autonomous testing stations, each for 6 tests, enable simultaneous assays of various parameters.

Tests  in the VIDAS system involve two elements: a strip with ready-made reagent cavities and a constant phase carrier, i.e., a disposable pipette, coated inside with antibodies or antigen. This pipette is referred to as a solid phase receptacle (SFR). One SPR/strip set is used for assay of one parameter in one patient.

Beside the tests, the system includes also calibrators, quality controls and sample diluters.
The VIDAS PC is a needleless analyser,  what eliminates the risk of transferring infectious factors onto medical staff or of the assayed component between samples. The necessary manual activities in the tests have been reduced to a necessary minimum, including blood centrifugation and serum (or other studied material) pipetting onto the strip. The analyser does not require daily maintenance. An automatic self-testing mode (of the system itself and of reagents) guarantees high quality of results. The calibration curve is designed by the manufacturer as a barcode unit for each set of reagents and is automatically entered into the computer memory from the card, enclosed to the test kit (or by a barcode leader). The curve requires recalibration every 14 days. The cost of test is the same, regardless of the mode of operations (big series or single tests). The waiting time for results varies from 17 to 120 minutes, depending on test type.


Laboratorium PREGMED drobny sprzęt laboratoryjny

The latest publication on cytomegaly
In June of 2014, the European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases published a report on cytomegaly in pregnant women.
Colposcopy to be soon provided at NZOZ PREGMED
A diagnostic examination, identifying – among others – preclinical forms of uterine cervix malignancies, collection of targeted specimens, definition of surgery scope on the uterine cervix, the vagina or the vulva and evaluation of obtained ef
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